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Web Seminars : Attend our live, online web seminars for an in depth analysis of how your web site can generate up to 80% of your revenue. We can show you, the Internet business user, how these tools may apply to your company or business.
Web Seminars are a new tool we encourage you to participate in.

WebIncome has 2 main reasons for inviting you to come to a web seminar. 1) To show you, the Internet business user how these tools can benefit you in running your business, and 2) It is a great way for us to present to you more details about applications available on the Internet.

Having a web site is very nice - but having a profitable and productive web site is terrific. Your web site can be responsible for 40 - 80 % of your revenue - you don't want to pass up a close look at tools that can help your site make you money and get you customers. WebIncome's web seminars can show you tools and tricks for achieving these goals.

Web Seminars are easy to participate in - you don't need to travel farther than your desk. They are not time-consuming and don't cost you anything to attend. Skip the freeways and congested traffic - stroll over to your computer and join in to this interactive and interesting seminar.

How do we do it?

WebIncome uses a specialized software package to present the seminar to you. You will see and hear the same content during the seminar as everybody else attending it. This will include audio and video plus onscreen presentations.

Who should attend a WebIncome web seminar?

– Your company executives: CEO, president, owner.
– Employees in charge of Internet applications use for your company
– These seminars are not intended for home users - they are intended only for businesses.

Web Seminars :

How can WebIncome's web seminars benefit you?

  • Find out what can be done to make your site produce more for your company.
  • Explore different Internet technologies to help your productivity and profitability.

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